Saturday, April 9, 2011

Finding my feet....and computers turned ugly...

You would think things this size wouldn't get lost easily, but they sure have felt pretty wobbly for the last little while. With the coming of spring, things seem to be getting a little better. It seems to me that counting my blessings has become the activity of choice this past month. I fear that I am becoming a bit like Pollyanna in my dotage!

My weight loss has come to a grinding halt. I haven't really cared much about food lately, and I usually gain when I don't make food a priority. Of course, finding a great gluten free bread has not helped. While we were travelling in the US last month, we had sandwiches and sandwiches and more sandwiches! Such a treat after years of not having anything vaguely palatable for a sandwich. Gluten free bread is notorious for crumbling in your hand, and if you can get past the taste? You very likely can't get past the mess it makes! We had chicken sandwiches, egg sandwiches, cheese sandwiches....ah the glorious ease of eating protein between slices of bread...even quasi bread! On that note, I must confess that I am taking a lunch to the Assembly tomorrow I AM GOING TO PACK A SANDWICH! How much easier it will be to carry a little parcel in my purse, rather than a Tupperware container with various slippery and squishy things! Finding the joy in small pleasures of life is a privilege, I think.

Clothing issues have somewhat been resolved. I have pared down ten feet of double hung closet to about half that amount. While we were in Portland, I was able to buy organizers at Ikea - what clever people they are! I am very pleased with the outcome indeed. I kept my clothing purchases to the bare minimum. Two pairs of pants and a new basic black purse to be exact. Nothing exciting, but everything needed.

I have lost my big computer to the dreaded black screen...all the lovely pictures I have are gone. Not the personal ones, but rather the pictures of items I collected in my wardrobe, and my home. It makes you really question the value of keeping anything in cyberspace! I found all the pictures very handy when it came to creating packing lists for my trips. Now, I must go back to the drawing board and recreate basic lists of necessities that I can't leave home without. Or maybe not. Maybe it is better to random pack and hope for the best? Life is complicated enough. Ah the woes of computers turned ugly. Perhaps it would work to post them online, never to be lost? On that note, I offer you glimpse of my new bedding. CHAPS makes lovely things!

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