Monday, March 19, 2012

Luxury is having the time....

to spend an entire day doing nothing!  I am a victim of seasonal allergies at the moment, and have decided that the best way to treat these itchy eyes is to keep them closed. A good plan, right?  Makes it a little difficult to type though. ;)

Today, the plans are simple. REST the eyes. And the digestive system. I have managed to lose four pounds of the holiday bloat, but I have six more to go to get me back where I started...just in time to head out on the road again. And so goes the circle. I am losing the same pounds over and over again.  Last night, although I was craving something deep fried and wicked, we opted to eat Swiss Chalet after the concert. The scale thanked me this morning. We shared a half chicken dinner - which ends up to be a 1/4 for me, and 3/4 for the man of the house. I can eat about 2-3 oz of protein before I just get tired of it,  and Greek salad. It was, as usual, wonderful. And non-bloating, as it turned out!

So, this week while the man is away, I will have a reprieve from kitchen detail. I am planning on three simple protein and salad dinners, fruit & veg lunches and my usual poached egg & toast breakfast.  Can't get easier, or better than that shopping list!  Come to think of it, there is a good selection of fish and chicken in the freezer, so I really don't even have to bother going shopping! I really hope to melt one or two pounds away this week, but what will be, will be.  Wish me well!

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