Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Today I proved once and for all time...

that I am definitely not a baker.

I attempted to make a Matrimonial cake (date squares) but found to my dismay that I didn't have gluten free flour. So, since it was scorching outside, I substituted pancake mix. Not a good idea. Then, to add insult to injury, I overcooked it. (I am still not used to my oven being fixed and sporting two active coils! Plus, the demon TV lured me away from the kitchen until an ominous smell called me back) Anyway, one taste told me it was a no go, so the whole thing went in the trash. I will purchase a dessert at Safeway in the morning for the kids. A much better solution, even though I will not be able to eat a crumb of it.  However, in my defence, I did make a fine bowl of Jell-O. I will stick to what I know in the future, and to tell you the truth? These days, that seems to be a decreasing commodity. 

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